Congratulations to C3EN partner Aunt Martha’s Health and Wellness on receiving a $9 million grant from philanthropist Mackenzie Scott’s charity fund, Yield Giving! Aunt Martha’s is the only Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in Illinois with a dedicated focus on child wellness, leading to improved outcomes for Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) youth in care. The generous unrestricted gift will allow “Aunt Martha’s to determine how best to utilize this generous donation and empowers our continued innovation in transforming systems of care to be more inclusive, accessible, and patient-centered,” says Aunt Martha’s president and CEO Raul Garza.

“We are thrilled that Aunt Martha’s has received this recognition for their public service,” says C3EN co-director Elbert Huang. “Their essential work treating children and adolescents has been crucial to the communities they serve and invaluable to C3EN’s Community-Based Research Network. We have long been inspired by Raul Garza’s persistence and humility, and C3EN has been fortunate to benefit from his leadership as co-chair of our Community Stakeholder Advisory Council. We are excited to see how this incredible award amplifies Aunt Martha’s impact on health and wellness in Chicago.”

Read more:

Block Club

CBS News

The Chicago Tribune

The Chicago Sun Times

The Daily Herald
