Veronica Fitzpatrick, DrPH, MPH, Research Scientist at Advocate Aurora Research Institute

Where are you from? 

I’m originally from a city named Irvine in Orange County, Southern California.

What led you to your current organization? 

I always wanted to work in an embedded healthcare research organization. Working at Advocate Aurora Research Institute enables me to take my research and implement findings directly into care sites.

What do you hope to accomplish as a member of CSAC? 

I hope to better understand community needs and connect to fellow researchers who are primarily concerned about the communities they serve and health equity issues broadly.

What are some issues in your community you hope to resolve? 

My research is primarily in the maternal child health space, with a concentration on how we deliver care to vulnerable populations. I hope to figure out a way to lessen (or eliminate!) adverse outcomes related to perinatal care by focusing on the care delivery structure as opposed to the individual pregnant person. Poor maternal outcomes are heartbreaking in our local communities.

What is something most people would be surprised to know about you?

I have 4 cats.  Actually, no, that is probably not that surprising if you’ve ever been on a video call with me!