C3EN’s Lawndale Town Hall prompts suggestions for reframing health care, especially for youth
At February Town Hall, community members agreed that researchers must take time to be present in the communities they are researching, build trust, and observe people in the environments in which they live.

CSAC Member Highlight: Pat Lyons
“Instead of placing blame on individuals, it’s crucial to shine a light on social factors that impede marginalized communities’ ability to achieve and maintain good health.”

C3EN Announces Cycle 4 Pilot Awardees
Congratulations to Cycle 4 C3EN Pilot Awardees Chibuzor Abasilim, Allison J. Carroll, Eva Chang, Melissa Crane, Lindsay Sheehan, Marie Statler, and Anna Volerman! C3EN Pilot Awardees receive up to $60,000 in funding to obtain data to establish an NIH-funded program of...
Meet Joyce Chapman Community Grant Awardee John Martin
We expected age, sex, and BMI to be contributors [to back pain], but we found that the top 2 out of 1000+ variables were income and education. Now my research group focuses on how social determinants of health are related to spine disease and low back pain.