Humans of Chicago: Paige Brown
Everything in life, it’s all a group project—nothing is done best completely and totally alone when there are outcomes that impact us all.
Everything in life, it’s all a group project—nothing is done best completely and totally alone when there are outcomes that impact us all.
Joyce Chapman’s vision was aligned with the vision of C3EN, which is to build coalitions of diverse organizations and individuals to fight for social justice. We hope the Joyce Chapman Award will help continue her legacy by facilitating partnerships between researchers and community organizations who can work together to achieve our dream of a just society.
On September 23, the inaugural Chicago Youth Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and IT Bootcamp will take place from 10AM to 1PM at Rush University
If the issue is money, then let’s figure out a way the city can split the cost with the people, or how both sides can benefit. If the city doesn’t have the money, then teach the people how to fix it so they can fix it themselves. Give them the tools. Then the city can save money, and it creates jobs.