In Memoriam: Joyce Chapman

In Memoriam: Joyce Chapman

Joyce Chapman’s vision was aligned with the vision of C3EN, which is to build coalitions of diverse organizations and individuals to fight for social justice. We hope the Joyce Chapman Award will help continue her legacy by facilitating partnerships between researchers and community organizations who can work together to achieve our dream of a just society.

CSAC Member Highlight: Steve M. Epting

CSAC Member Highlight: Steve M. Epting

I used to go to the doctor afraid of what I was going to hear–now I go waiting for the results and wanting to hear what they see. That impact for me has impacted my church—for them to see my journey and take on their own. Today I want people to know why they want to be healthy. Everyone has their own why.

CSAC Member Highlight: Amit Acharya

CSAC Member Highlight: Amit Acharya

Mistrust in research in health in some communities is so strong and historical. Researchers want to publish data on communities, but what is a community’s interest in science? Without building a network and a platform in the community, it’s hard to do any research–and discoveries have to go on to benefit the patients in our community.