CSAC Member Highlight: Kathryn Welch

CSAC Member Highlight: Kathryn Welch

Food education is fundamental to addressing a number of chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. If we can help people make healthier food choices, we can prevent a lot of these diseases. It’s also linked to mental health—if we feel good physically, it can affect our mood and reduce the likelihood of things like violence or anger. Food plays a role in our overall health, and if we address it, we can make an impact on a range of issues in the community.

Joyce Chapman Community Grantee John Martin Receives Awards for Investigating How Socioeconomic Factors Trigger Back Pain

Joyce Chapman Community Grantee John Martin Receives Awards for Investigating How Socioeconomic Factors Trigger Back Pain

Congratulations to C3EN Joyce Chapman Community Grantee John Martin, Assistant Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at Rush University, on receiving an JOR Spine Early Career Research Award and a Spine Section Early-Stage Investigator Award at the Orthopedic Research Society 7th International Spine Research Symposium!